I General Report

1 Where is Germany heading after the federal election?......Zheng Chunrong

(1)The operation ability of the grand coalition government

(2)Key issues of the internal affairs: the minimum wage and energy transition

(3)Proactive foreign policy

(4)Turning into outward-looking shaping power?

II Politics

2 The End of the Black-yellow Coalition......Wang Guangcheng

3 Review of the German Federal Election 2013 and Prospect of the German Political Party Landscape......Wu Huiping

III Economy

4 Stable Developments with Potential Risk--Review and Prospect of the German Economic......Zhu Yufang

5 Germany's Role in European Economic Governance......Shi Shiwei Kou Kou

6 Germany's "Re-rising" and itsInfluences......Zhao Ke

7 German Renewable Energy Policy:Current Status and Future Development......Zhu Miaomiao

IV Society and Culture

8 Review of Research and Innovation Policy of the German Government......Yu Zhouming

9 To be, or not to be, that is the question for the Europe Narrative--Some remarks upon the special and general crisis in Europe from the German perspective......Hu Chunchun

V Foreign Policy(incl. Sino-German Relations)

10 The Europe Policy of Germany"s New Government and the role of the GermanFrench Relationship......Dai Qixiu Wang Zhiqiang

11 Review of the German-American Relationship in Obama's Second Term......Xiong Wei

12 The Mechanisms of the "SinoGerman Rule of Law Dialogue" and its Influence on SinoGerman Relationship......Gao Xujun

VI Data and Statistics

13 Data and Statistics......Zhu Yufang

14 Chronology of Important Events in Germany (04.2013-03.2014)......Zhu Zheying

15 Appendix: The preamble of the Coalition Agreement of the CDU/CSU and the SPD (Translation)

16 Epilogue......Zheng Chunrong