
(1月13日)报告:全球性技术演进和21世纪的中欧关系(Planetary technological transformations and Sino-European relations in the 21st Century)


题 目:全球性技术演进和21世纪的中欧关系(Planetary technological transformations and Sino-European relations in the 21st Century)
报告人:马克西米里安-迈尔(Maximilian Mayer)博士(德国波恩大学全球研究中心)
时 间:1月13日(周二),下午13:30
语 言:英语
地 点:四平路校区综合楼1402室
主 办:同济大学政治与国际关系学院、同济大学德国研究中心

Subject: Planetary technological transformations and Sino-European relations in the 21st Century
Lecturer: Dr. Maximilian Mayer, Center for Global Studies (CGS) of University Bonn
Date: January 13, 13:30
Language: English
Venue: Room 1402, Zonghe Building in Siping Campus
Organizer: School of Political Science and International Relations, German Studies Center